From meeting the locals to exciting adventures- be a part of life on the island

Fun Lagoon boat ride
Have a fun filled boat ride through the picture perfect lagoon, enjoying the calm and silent waters, bushes of mangrove, variety of singing birds and the magnificent sea views. It’s the ultimate experience of a nature’s perfect art created blending beauty of the sea and the fascinating landscapes.
– 1 – 2 hour trip
– Beach experience with Mangrove plant watching
– 6 persons ride
– Kite surfingLEARN MORE

Diving in the Sea
The deep blue waters of the ocean invites you for a joyful dive in to the scenic beauty of the colorful Sri Lankan coral reefs and reef fishes. Experience of this marine beauty is at your comfort with widely available safe diving and guided diving trips.
– With an instructor
– Half day experience
– Can reach within 15-20 minLEARN MORE

Pitch your tent at the golden sands of our the north western coastline or the lagoon beach. Wake up with the sounds of the sea waves Enjoy the breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean and glistening waters of Kalpitiya lagoon, magical sunsets and silvery moonlight.
– Two types: lagoon side camping & sea side camping
– Four-wheel drive
– Evening trip or either spend evening/ day or night
– Providing foods
– Can do BBQ
– With music/dinning LEARN MORE

Kalpitiya city tour
Designed in 1666 and completed in 1676, Kalpitiya Dutch fort, is the oldest historical fort in Sri Lanka. Simple in design yet, armed with four bastions in corners , strong and high ramparts , the fort is unique to have one entry point facing the Puttalam lagoon. One should not miss this important attraction and the famous Kalpitiya dry fish market while enjoying the city ride in Kalpitya town.
– Include fish market and dutch fort
– Can reach 15-20 min LEARN MORE

Trip to Anuradhapura
Stroll through the ancient Kingdom of Anuradhapura dating back to 5th Century B.C. . This world heritage site and the scared land is full of ruins of proud Sri Lankan ancient civilization majestic stupas worshiped by Buddhist all over the world. This ancient capital is just an hour and half drive away from your stay.
– With guider
– Full day trip
– Can arrange meals LEARN MORE

Kite surfing
Warm and dry , strong but consistent winds throughout the year makes Kalpitiya, one of the best destinations for kitesurfing in Asia. Changing spots with seasonal wind directions makes kite trips novel and more adventurous every time. Flat shallow water in the lagoon, the open ocean and the safety boats make kitesurfing , a totally pleasant and exciting experience.
– Half day/ full day
– Can reach within 15-20 min
– With trainer or by yourself
– For beginners and experts LEARN MORE

Dolphin and whale watching
Watch the mesmerizing dances of the hundreds of frolicking dolphins, twirling, spinning, jumping and riding together to the tunes of the sea waves, along and diving under the boats at this paradise of dolphins- Kalpitiya. Also, witness the magical moves of the gentle giants of the sea – The whales,at the Alankuda-Kalpitiya coastal stretch, occupied by five types of whales, including Blue Whale, Minke Whale, Melon Headed Whale , Dwarf Sperm Whale and the most common being the second largest of the whale family – the Sperm whale, spotted frequently in months of November, December, March and April.
– Can reach within 15-20 min
– 2-3 hour trip
– With 6 persons / 8 personsLEARN MORE

Wild safari into Wilpattu national park through the lagoon and the river boat ride
Enjoy the boat ride under the green shades of lagoon waters to the majestic wilderness of elephants, leopards, birds and many more at the Sri Lanka’s largest national park – “Wilpattu”, the picturesque park, studded with numerous natural lakes.
– Full day trip
– With guider
– Morning trip to Wilpattu national park
– Evening river trip
– Can arrange mealsLEARN MORE

Trip to famous Thalawila church
It’s just less than half an hour easy drive to the one of the oldest Christian pilgrimage destinations in the island- St Anne’s church- Thalawila. A site of miracles and blessings visited by all the religions. The famous annual church festival is in the first half of August, which attracts thousands of people. Apart from the holy experience, camping in the beach , cooking, shopping , sea bathing and beautiful sunsets ensure an unforgettable and complete experience.
– 20 min trip
– Mini tour to the church feast festivals that happens twice for every year
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